別墅不知如何裝修?請提前收藏2023室內流行趨勢,妥妥的大牌范兒 二維碼
發表時間:2022-09-22 09:35 每到這個時候,令人期待的莫過于行業內的色彩流行趨勢、材質元素流行預測等相關話題又逐漸火熱,新色彩的流行,汲取自生活需求、心理動向、社會時事的變動,都或成為流行的主導線。 今天米多設計小編為大家分享2023室內裝修流行趨勢,在整體動態低迷的2022年,我們期冀著新的感官視覺、新的故事線索、新的材料造型,讓未來多一份可能與希望。 — 01# 2023年中國流行色彩趨勢主題——萌動,是從“自然、生命”的緯度出發,追溯回生命的本源,從中提取出積極而充滿力量的色彩靈感。自然萬物以美好而充滿蓬勃的生命力悄無聲息打動著煩躁的人間事物,在略顯低沉的當下,溫暖的色彩以它的力量和方式,讓生活充滿無限可能和機會。 The theme of China's popular color trends in 2023, Meng Dong, is to start from the latitude of "nature and life", trace back to the origin of life, and extract positive and powerful color inspiration from it. Natural things with beautiful and full of vigorous vitality quietly touch the irritable human things, in the slightly low moment, warm colors with its power and way, so that life is full of infinite possibilities and opportunities. 然而,人對空間的第一印象,取決于色彩傳達的暗示,然而越經典耐看的設計,究其原委,舒適的色彩是必不可少的元素之一。越來越多的奢侈品牌深入家居,延展出很多經典的作品。其中FENDI However, people's first impression of space depends on the hints conveyed by color, but the more classic and attractive the design, the ultimate reason, comfortable color is one of the essential elements. More and more luxury brands are going deep into the home, extending the display of many classic works. Among them, FENDI CASA touches the heart with its timeless elegant and fashionable texture, low-key luxury. 02# 無論是家具、飾品還是燈具,都在追求肥碩夸張的體積感。這種設計趨勢來源于“幼態”(“neoteny”)概念:童稚特征的夸張化。這個概念恰到好處地描繪出了這些設計可以給任何空間帶來的趣味性。柔和圓潤的家具輪廓和充滿簡單趣味的體態,傳達出讓人自覺放松的感受。 Whether it is furniture, jewelry or lamps, they are all pursuing a sense of fat and exaggerated volume. This design trend stems from the concept of "neoteny": the exaggeration of childish characteristics. The concept aptly depicts the fun these designs can bring to any space. Soft and rounded furniture silhouettes and simple and playful posture convey a feeling of self-relaxation. 在米蘭via Montenapoleone 3,Fendi Casa在這里打造了一間新古典主義公寓,具有羅馬之家的家庭和精致氛圍。柔和的線條,簡約歸真的設計造型,令空間呈現出自然的溫暖個性。經典跌新的裝飾細節,則令人感受到了Fendi品牌一直聞名的精致和引人入勝的真實性,國際家居品牌帶著天然的開放充滿活力的靈魂,賦予家國際化的氛圍。這或許也是很多一線城市里別墅裝修業主喜歡奢侈品家居設計作品的原因之一。 On the Salone del Mobile 2022 earlier this year, Fendi Casa opens the doors of an exclusive interior, an apartment on the main floor of a neoclassical building, in via Montenapoleone 3, a private space with a domestic and sophisticated atmosphere of the Roman Maison, with stuccos, prestigious flooring and contemporary décor, reinterpreted by exceptional designers, fully furnished with the pieces of Fendi Casa home line, with a special set-up for Milan Design Week. The atmosphere of the house exudes warmth and identity, along with logos and ornaments, with a sophisticated and engaging authenticity of which the brand has always been known for, bringing forth, once again, the three complementary moods of their latest collection, The Vibrant Soul, The Crafting Mood, and The Family Couch. 03#拱形元素造型,道出和諧心境 拱形門帶有一種延伸般的透視感,頗具藝術美感,拱門的設計能在視覺上拉高層高、增強空間通透性、增加空間層次感,還可以可以增強室內采光能力,營造出獨特的精致空間美感,能夠塑造空間氛圍,有效提升整個室內空間的品味與檔次。 A few weeks before the Salone del Mobile, In the ongoing spirit of collaboration across its ready-to-wear and homewares lines, Fendi Casa unveiled a new collection in partnership with Design Holding, called Fashion Furniture Design (FF Design), showcased at the estate of Catalan sculptor Xavier Corberó, in Milan, whose concrete arches form a backdrop for the collection’s rich textures. 根據道家的理論,平滑的角度是好心情、積極和平衡的關鍵。拱形的優勢在于它擁有一種和諧的感覺,它是空間里美妙的弧線,協調感非常獨特。 The furniture collection includes a quadrilogy of themes, featuring ‘The Vibrant Soul’, depicting overt luxury; ‘The Crafting Mood’, celebrating an artisanal approach; ‘The Family Couch’, a welcoming, warm and cosy atmosphere; and ‘The Outdoor’. Together they form an eclectic picture of the company’ aesthetics and creative values, with cutting-edge designs. 04# 將戶外靈感搬入家中 周圍越來越多的人,向往著回歸大自然、回歸鄉村的生活。在緊鑼密鼓日常瑣事與信息爆炸的時代,這是短暫的詩意停頓,是片刻的脫軌歡愉。“戶外”或“露營"已成為大眾心中非常向往的生活方式,與戶外有關的產品也成為了熱潮,甚至在家中也開啟了戶外露營、花園的生活。 烈日、白云、海浪、沙灘、躺椅、吊床…想想把這些元素拼接在一起就是一幅悠閑的夏日風景~設計師從戶外自然中汲取設計靈感,姜竹編、綠植、棉麻材質、自然造型...融入設計上,形成了頗具戶外感的設計作品。 Collaborating with international designers the collection includes important pieces such as the Five sofa and armchairs designed by the Marcel Wanders studio, the Arches table by atelier O?, the sofa and armchairs Parsifal by Thierry Lemaire, joint with the Marrakesh tables by Toan Nguyen and the Vittoria sideboard by Cristina Celestino. Viewers can also enjoy the re-edition of the Ford dining table, enriched by the Doyle chairs, the Sandia sofa and armchairs, accompanied by the Astuccio Canes low tables by Chiara Andreatti. Dedicated to the sleeping area, is the Landscape bed by studio Marcel Wanders, elegantly combined with the Vanitoso lady desk by atelier O?, as well as a day island where the Grand Plie sofa and armchairs signature by Thierry Lemaire are combined with the Tarsia coffee tables designed by Toan Nguyen. 05# 解鎖多元生活方式 The Fendi Bar位于蒙特拿破侖大街3號Fendi精品店的庭院中。內部和外部的靈感來自Fendi的標志性代碼,對O'Lock徽標,Pequin條紋和標志性的Fendi黃色進行了強烈的混合和匹配詮釋。 Also, accessible during the Milan Design Week, was the Fendi Bar, a temporary re-interpretation of the iconic Fendi café, situated in the courtyard of the Fendi boutique in Via Montenapoleone 3. The interior and exterior are inspired by the iconic codes of Fendi with a strong mix and match interpretation of the O'Lock logo, Pequin stripes and the signature Fendi yellow. 該結構上有一個紅色霓虹燈的Fendi Bar標志和一個帶有黃色和米色條紋的遮陽篷Pequin,以及交織在一起的淺色天然木材激光O'Lock徽標。標志性的Fendi黃色突出了柜臺和凳子,由棕色木地板Pequin柔和,而咖啡則以白色Fendi品牌瓷杯向公眾供應,上面帶有無處不在的FF徽標,這是今年10月推出的Art de la Table系列的獨家預覽。 The structure is surmounted by a sign of Fendi Bar in red neon and an awning Pequin with yellow and beige stripes, together with light natural wood laser worked O'Lock logos intertwined. The iconic Fendi yellow highlights the counter and stools, muted by a brown wood floor Pequin, while coffee is served to the public in white Fendi branded porcelain cups with the ubiquitous FF logo, an exclusive preview of the Art de la Table collection launching this October. MIDO米多家居是米多集團打造的泛家居產業運營服務平臺,包括3000㎡MIDO設計夢工廠、7000㎡創客孵化平臺、3000㎡米多質造家、15000㎡洛哈思創意家居廣場、樂活商學院等產業。米多是一家可以為用戶提供完整生活方式定制的綜合服務商,依托海爾智家和米多6大質造家設計系統、9大“安全環保“科技體系,利用物聯網技術、人工智能、大數據為用戶提供設計、施工、智能家居、全屋定制、整套電器、軟裝家具在內的全套家居生活方式解決方案,可以為用戶實現5大生活空間、7大全屋解決方案、N個智慧場景的全流程保障,全場景智慧一站式落地。 圖片源自網絡,侵權請聯系刪除 |